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  • Dumni z historii. Wierni tradycji



    Zenon Anstadt died on April 15th, 1913 in Berlin. He was buried on April 19th 1913, at the Evangelical cemetery in Zduńska Wola. After the death of Zenon Anstadt , his wife Helena and children Karol Gustaw, Oskar and Ella Małgorzata became the heirs of the plant. The entrepreneur left behind not only considerable fortune, but also considerable debts. The difficult financial situation and raw material difficulties during World War I made it extremely difficult to get the brewery out of trouble.


    The descendants of Zenon were not in a possition to manage it and the company was bought by Józef Unger and Szymon Firstenberg in August 1919


    The art

    of brewing

    The brewery had a 25 HP steam engine and employed 35 workers. Zenon’s younger son, Oskar Anstadt, became the technical manager. The father was the commercial manager. As early as 1903, warehouses
    were active in Łódź, Kalisz, Sieradz, Pabianice, Błaszki, Wieluń and Warta

    The Browar Parowy of Zenon Anstadt, unlike others breweries in the region or even the country, opted for niche types of beer. The employed brewer had a significant impact on it, probably . How ever, it can be assumed ,that Zenon was looking for his place on the beer market in Region. The example was juniper beer.The classic species were sold: Bavarian, Pilsen, Munich (which in 1903 received a silver medal at the Hygiene and Food Exhibition in Łódź) and Porter. The company fought not only for customers with conservative tastes, but also for those who liked the new products.

    Juniper beer was not Zenon’s only niche product. The advertisements for a new, dark bottom-fermenting beer called Bock Bier, which originated in Saxony, appeared in the press ,in March 1903 . It was a bold step, because bock differs significantly from Pilsner and Bavarian-type beer, which then dominated the market in the Kingdom of Poland. Currently, the Polish name of Bock Bier is Koźlak. So far popular in Germany, it was an absolute novelty for Poles.



    Beer Map

    The section contains information on the scheme and rules for the distribution of beers from the Staropolski Brewery.
    Our products are distributed throughout the country.

    New cult beers



    zdjecie browar

    Zenon Anstadt, the representative of a well-known family of Łódź brewers, who struggled with the basic material for beer production – water.

    recipes secrets

    The brewery from Zduńska Wola is proud of beers based on old Polish recipes with a unique, rich taste.





    The traditions of Zduńska Wola brewing are much older than the history of the town, which received town rights in 1825.





    As one of the last breweries, we brew beer using the open fermentation method, thanks to which the yeast works calmly, and our beers are milder and have a natural, full-bodied flavor.